Thursday, May 28, 2015

3rd Scratch..

Yesterday,for the first time, in my life, a lightning stroke so close that it literally electrified my whole body.
Glad that i am still alive.

So anyway, guess i'll update about some stuff that been growing/creeping around my house

ok lets start with some plant shall we? 

This is a banana tree, specifically Musa paradisiaca. or what we call as Pisang Tanduk. This particular tree is still young, it only yield like 12 bananas at one time, but the size of is gigantic. Believe, you wont be able to finish it alone, been there , done that.

Benefit? it can make you wanna puke after like 4 bite into it. and dont  let anyone take your picture while eating it.

This is a flower bud from a fruit "tree" called dragon fruit. To be honest, it looks more like a cactus shrub rather than a tree. This is its first flower but, yay! after like 3-4 years. The fruit it self is kinda purple, perhaps so purple if wont get off your shirt that easily if it gets on you. Kinda sweet, some are a bit sour.

This is my Pokok Ciku or Sapodilla fruit... ..huh???  anyway, it is so sweet, the fruit kinda brownish on the outside and yellowish in the inside. this tree is full with ants, which i hate since they keep biting me all over my neck every time i bump into the tree.

This is what we call Belimbing Besi or Averrhoa Bilimbi.... =.=
anyway usually we use it in our cooking such as masak lemak cili api, it taste sour, (>.<)
which i hate, but not that much after its cook.

This is roses, duh~ 
my sister bought it from Cameron Highland

 This is my Pokok Jambu Air, You might think that, "why is there only 1 fruit?" well it happen that i saw this one alone, so decide to snap his picture. 

So theres about it, (theres alot of other stuff living around my house, might update more later)


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